Cancer Screening

Cancer Screening

Cancer. It's a word that carries immense weight and evokes a range of emotions from fear to determination. There’s no doubt the impact of cancer on individuals and families is profound. Amidst the challenges posed by this formidable disease, however, there is hope. Progress in medical science coupled with proactive measures such as cancer screening offer a powerful arsenal in the fight against cancer. Don't wait for symptoms to appear – schedule your cancer screenings regularly and take advantage of early detection and intervention.
Residents in the area are welcomed to call Atlantic Physicians Group to schedule an appointment with a cancer screening doctor in Brooklyn, NY. Our team is here to take your call or message at any time of the day.

Understanding Common Cancers

Cancer is not a single disease but rather a group of diseases characterized by the abnormal growth of cells. While there are numerous types of cancer, some are more prevalent than others. Here are a few common types of cancer:

  • Breast Cancer: Breast cancer occurs when cells in the breast tissue grow uncontrollably. Contrary to common knowledge, breast cancer can affect men and women. Early detection through mammograms and breast exams can significantly improve outcomes.
  • Prostate Cancer: Primarily affecting men, prostate cancer develops in the prostate gland. Regular prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood tests and digital rectal exams (DREs) are key for early detection.
  • Lung Cancer: Often associated with smoking but also affecting non-smokers, lung cancer forms in the lung tissues. Screening with low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) scans can detect lung cancer in its early stages.
  • Colorectal Cancer: This type of cancer affects the colon or rectum and can be detected early through colonoscopies, fecal occult blood tests (FOBTs), and stool DNA tests.
  • Cervical Cancer: Primarily affecting women, cervical cancer develops in the cervix. Regular Pap smears and HPV tests are essential for cervical cancer screening.

The Role of Cancer Screenings

Cancer screenings are proactive measures designed to detect cancer in its early stages, often before symptoms manifest. Cancer screenings can detect abnormalities or precancerous changes in cells, allowing for early intervention and treatment. Early detection often leads to better treatment outcomes and increased chances of survival.
In fact, some cancer screenings, such as colonoscopies and mammograms, can also prevent cancer by identifying and removing precancerous growths or lesions before they become cancerous.
All in all, regular cancer screenings provide peace of mind by offering reassurance when results are negative and facilitating prompt medical attention if abnormalities are detected.


Take Control with Cancer Screening

Cancer is a force to be reckoned with, but we are NOT hopeless or powerless. Cancer screenings have the potential to save lives by detecting cancer in its early stages when treatment options are most effective. By scheduling cancer screening in Brooklyn according to recommended guidelines, you're maximizing your chances of overcoming cancer if it's detected.
Your health is worth investing in, and the professionals at Atlantic Physicians Group are here to help. Call us today to schedule an appointment with a cancer screening doctor and enjoy a priceless peace of mind.

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